Genesis Montessori Gifted Academy

Ad Donatum, et Verum – To the Gifted and the True

(Lower and Upper)

Elementary (Lower and Upper)

Lower Elementary: Grades 1 – 3

GMGA’s Lower Elementary consists of three-year, multi-age grouping in the Montessori learning environment which sets the path for success throughout each stage of development. Our students master the art of managing their freedom with responsibility and acquire the skills to think and answer their queries independently. Our students are immersed in reading, making inference and predictions. collaborative work, practical life skills, and intro to belief systems.

As our students move through our extensive and rigorous curriculum, the first year lays the foundation for higher-order thinking/learning and is the year of introduction; the second year is the year of application, practice and refining skills; the third year is the year of synthesis, strategic alignment of prior knowledge, and indirect preparation for our upper elementary program.

Upper Elementary: Grades 1 – 6

Grades 4 to 6 at GMGA are the capstones in preparation for middle school and beyond. Our educators continue mentoring students, working closely with them, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and holding them to high academic standards while also maintaining a focus on internal discipline and self-direction.

With the guidance of caring educators, our students develop critical executive functioning skills, such as time management, prioritizing assignments, peer review collaborative work, conflict resolution, dialogues and communication, strategizing academic habits, organizing themselves for work across all academic subjects, leadership, belief systems, as well as social obligations and altruism. As they progress through our two-year upper elementary program, our students acquire the fundamental skills needed for success in middle school and beyond.

Elementary: Lower – Grades 1-3 and Upper – Grades 4-6

Our Strategy: G.M.G.A. Flipped ORG Chart.

A student-centered approach

  • Understanding that all children are gifted in various and unique ways
  • Respect is paramount
  • An environment conducive for learning, growth and development of the whole child
  • Observation is vital
  • Meaningful play is a necessity and God is our source.